Like Ships in the Night
A Solo Exhibition by Rory Williams
Friday 5 July—Sunday 11 August 2024
Have you ever stopped to think about the people you encounter every day? The stranger on the bus, the shopper disappearing down another aisle, people in the street you catch as a fleeting glimpse as you walk by. These figures enter your life for a fraction of a moment only to disappear just as quickly, leaving nothing but a fuzzy afterimage of an idea.
Yet, these people live complete lives, and in doing so they complete others’.
They are the main characters of their own stories just like we are in ours. These people stay in my mind, temporary and unclear, but striking in their clarity for the individuality they hold.
Even to those who we know best – friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances – there are facets of their character that are all too easy to overlook or make assumptions about.
Between every individual, there is an infinite and fascinating space of the unknown.
Like Ships in the Night is my first solo exhibition, and features paintings as candid observations of these characters, portraying encounters with individuals in my everyday life.
Virtual Tour
Click and drag the screen to rotate the camera, then click the arrows on the floor to move around the gallery space. Click on the artwork to view a close-up.